Fiberglass Ladders
All our ladders are designed and made to meet the applicable standards & requirements of the National (IS) and International standards like the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), OSHA, etc.OSHA has set minimum requirements concerning the use of ladders in business and industry.
A variety of ANSI safety codes are available depending on the material and type of ladders. The applicable ANSI codes are as follows. We make safe ladders.
Also, ANSI codes have established a duty rating, which identifies the use for which a portable ladder is intended and the condition under which the ladder can be used safely. The following table describes the various types of the ladder.
An extensive series of test and design requirements determine which duty rating a particular ladder may be labeled. The total load supported includes the user's combined weight, clothing tools, and any material on the ladders. The tests requirement has been specified with a safety factor of four to ensure the ability to meet the Duty Rating. However, ladders must be used properly to support the intended load.